Test your cybersecurity skills

Server to server
Put your cybersecurity skills to the test with AI-powered cybersecurity game
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AI-powered cybersecurity game

Use AI to skill up
OpenCyber AI acts as a virtual mentor and guides users through cyber security problems by providing real-time feedback and strategic recommendations.
Use AI to skill up
Sharpen skills in dynamic scenarios
From simulated breaches to complex network challenges, secure or exploit a comprehensive range of IT architectures.
Sharpen skills in dynamic scenarios
Use AI to skill up
OpenCyber AI acts as a virtual mentor and guides users through cyber security problems by providing real-time feedback and strategic recommendations.
Sharpen skills in dynamic scenarios
From simulated breaches to complex network challenges, secure or exploit a comprehensive range of IT architectures.
Use AI to skill up
Sharpen skills in dynamic scenarios
Interactivity through multiplayer mode
Engage in multiplayer battles for a dynamic and immersive gaming experience.

Cybersecurity education

Interactive cybersecurity education with real-life cyber security cases
Before OpenCyber AILack of interactive learning in cybersecurityLimited real-world case scenarios to test skillsDifficulty finding time for learningUncertainty about effective training resourcesInaccessibility of engaging cybersecurity contentWith OpenCyber AIDevelop skills cybersecurity multiplayer gameMaximize team skills in live-fire attack simulationsAI assistance for cyber crisis response & recoveryFor novice to experts: align with industry standardsIdentify top talent and hire faster
University Partnerships & clients
We offer complementary learnings for students from coding schools to Cybersecurity masters.
We provide customized games to upskill product teams in cybersecurity and optimize Cyber Crisis Response & Recovery.


What is OpenCyberAI?expand
How does the OpenCyberAI game work?expand
Who is OpenCyberAI designed for?expand
Is any prior knowledge of cybersecurity required?expand
How do I get started with OpenCyberAI?expand